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Int. j. morphol ; 41(5): 1288-1296, oct. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521049


El propósito de este estudio fue analizar el comportamiento mecánico de la estructura dental sana de un primer premolar inferior humano sometido a fuerzas funcionales y disfuncionales en diferentes direcciones. Se buscó comprender, bajo las variables contempladas, las zonas de concentración de esfuerzos que conllevan al daño estructural de sus constituyentes y tejidos adyacentes. Se realizó el modelo 3D de la reconstrucción de un archivo TAC de un primer premolar inferior, que incluyó esmalte, dentina, ligamento periodontal y hueso alveolar considerando tres variables: dirección, magnitud y área de la fuerza aplicada. La dirección fue dirigida en tres vectores (vertical, tangencial y horizontal) bajo cuatro magnitudes, una funcional de 35 N y tres disfuncionales de 170, 310 y 445 N, aplicadas sobre un área de la cara oclusal y/o vestibular del premolar que involucró tres contactos estabilizadores (A, B y C) y dos paradores de cierre. Los resultados obtenidos explican el fenómeno de combinar tres vectores, cuatro magnitudes y un área de aplicación de la fuerza, donde los valores de esfuerzo efectivo equivalente Von Mises muestran valores máximos a partir de los 60 MPa. Los valores de tensión máximos se localizan, bajo la carga horizontal a 170 N y en el proceso masticatorio en la zona cervical, cuando la fuerza pasa del 60 %. Sobre la base de los hallazgos de este estudio, se puede concluir que la reacción de los tejidos a fuerzas funcionales y disfuncionales varía de acuerdo con la magnitud, dirección y área de aplicación de la fuerza. Los valores de tensión resultan ser más altos bajo la aplicación de fuerzas disfuncionales tanto en magnitud como en dirección, produciendo esfuerzos tensiles significativos para la estructura dental y periodontal cervical, mientras que, bajo las cargas funcionales aplicadas en cualquier dirección, no se generan esfuerzos lesivos. Esto supone el reconocimiento del poder de detrimento estructural del diente y periodonto frente al bruxismo céntrico y excéntrico.

SUMMARY: The purpose of this study was to analyze the mechanical behavior of the healthy dental structure of a human mandibular first premolar subjected to functional and dysfunctional forces in different directions. It was sought to understand, under the contemplated variables, the areas of stress concentration that lead to structural damage of its constituents and adjacent tissues. The 3D model of the reconstruction of a CT file of a lower first premolar was made, which included enamel, dentin, periodontal ligament and alveolar bone considering three variables: direction, magnitude and area of the applied force. The direction was directed in three vectors (vertical, tangential and horizontal) under four magnitudes, one functional of 35 N and three dysfunctional of 170, 310 and 445 N, applied to an area of the occlusal and/or buccal face of the premolar that involved three stabilizing contacts (A, B and C) and two closing stops. The results obtained explain the phenomenon of combining three vectors, four magnitudes and an area of force application, where the values of effective equivalent Von Mises stress show maximum values from 60 MPa. The maximum tension values are located under the horizontal load at 170 N and in the masticatory process in the cervical area, when the force exceeds 60%. Based on the findings of this study, it can be concluded that the reaction of tissues to functional and dysfunctional forces varies according to the magnitude, direction, and area of application of the force. The stress values turn out to be higher under the application of dysfunctional forces both in magnitude and in direction, producing significant tensile stresses for the dental and cervical periodontal structure, while under functional loads applied in any direction, no damaging stresses are generated. This supposes the recognition of the power of structural detriment of the tooth and periodontium against centric and eccentric bruxism.

Humans , Bicuspid/physiology , Biomechanical Phenomena , Finite Element Analysis , Tooth/physiology , Bite Force , Bruxism/physiopathology , Elastic Modulus , Tooth Wear , Mastication/physiology
RFO UPF ; 28(1)20230808. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1523683


Objetivo: apresentar o relato de duas pacientes com agenesias dentárias em que cinco dentes autotransplantados foram utilizados como modalidade de tratamento. Além disso, objetiva-se mostrar questões sobre a técnica cirúrgica, suas indicações e previsibilidade. Relato de caso: Neste estudo, foram relatados 5 casos de autotransplante dentário em duas pacientes jovens, em que a equipe realizou os procedimentos e o acompanhamento clínico e radiográfico por 5 e 7 anos. Devido à alta sensibilidade da técnica, foram seguidos princípios previamente estabelecidos na literatura envolvendo o autotransplante dentário. Durante o período de acompanhamento, os dentes se mantiveram em posição e em função e as pacientes não apresentavam queixas associadas. Considerações finais: a técnica do autotransplante dentário, quando bem indicada e executada, é capaz de promover resultados bastante satisfatórios, sendo uma ótima alternativa reabilitadora, com taxas de sucesso elevadas e custos reduzidos. No entanto, critérios em relação aos sítios doadores e receptores e a habilidade do cirurgião devem ser levados em conta para o sucesso do técnica.

Objective: presenting the report of two patients with tooth agenesis in which five autotransplanted teeth were used as a treatment modality. Furthermore, the aim is to show questions about the surgical technique and its indications and predictability. Case report: In this study, 5 cases of dental autotransplantation were reported in two young patients, in which the team performed procedures and had clinical and radiographic follow-up for 5 and 7 years. Due to the high sensitivity of the technique, principles previously established in the literature involving dental autotransplantation were followed. During the follow-up period, the teeth remained in position and function and the patients had no associated complaints. Final considerations: the dental autotransplantation technique, when well indicated and executed, is capable of achieving very satisfactory results, being a great rehabilitative alternative, with high success rates and reduced costs. However, criteria regarding donor and receptor sites and the surgeon's skill must be taken into account for the success of the technique.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Tooth/transplantation , Tooth Replantation/methods , Anodontia/surgery , Transplantation, Autologous/methods , Follow-Up Studies , Treatment Outcome
Int. j. morphol ; 41(3): 926-936, jun. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514292


SUMMARY: The dentogingival junction (DGJ) is an adaptation of the oral mucosa composed of epithelial and connective tissues intimately related with the mineralised tissues of the tooth. The histological evidence available is mainly based on studies in animals, separate evaluations of hard and soft tissues, and studies using conventional histological techniques that eliminate the enamel from preparations. The aim of this study was to carry out a review of the existing evidence on histological techniques available for study of the tooth and periodontium in conjunction in humans. A scoping review was carried out of the available literature referring to study of the tooth and the periodontium in conjunction in humans, in the Web of Science (WoS), EMBASE, Scopus and SciELO databases, using the terms "Histological Techniques"[Mesh]) and "Epithelial Attachment"[Mesh]. One hundred and fifty-nine articles were found, of which 54 were selected for full- text reading. Ten were finally included in the qualitative synthesis, and we applied the Anatomical Quality Assurance (AQUA) checklist for analysis the methodological quality of the selected articles. The results showed that the only articles with a low risk of bias in all five domains according to the AQUA criteria corresponded to Silva et al. (2011) and Agustín-Panadero et al. (2020). Finally, we conclude that the quality of the histological sections to observe tissues that simultaneously contain the tooth and the periodontium, is conditioned by the selected technique and by the care required in certain specific tasks during the histological processing of the samples.

La unión dentogingival (DGJ) es una adaptación de la mucosa oral compuesta por tejidos epitelial y conectivo íntimamente relacionados con los tejidos mineralizados del diente. La evidencia histológica disponible se basa principalmente en estudios en animales, evaluaciones separadas de tejidos duros y blandos y estudios utilizando técnicas histológicas convencionales que eliminan el esmalte de las preparaciones. El objetivo de este estudio fue realizar una revisión de la evidencia existente sobre las técnicas histológicas disponibles para el estudio del diente y el periodonto en conjunto en humanos. Se realizó un scoping review de la literatura disponible referente al estudio del diente y el periodonto en conjunto en humanos, en las bases de datos Web of Science (WoS), EMBASE, Scopus y SciELO, utilizando los términos "Histological Techniques"[Mesh]) y "Epithelial Attachment"[Mesh]. Se encontraron 159 artículos, de los cuales 54 fueron seleccionados para lectura de texto completo. Diez fueron finalmente incluidos en la síntesis cualitativa, y se aplicó la lista de verificación Anatómica Quality Assurance (AQUA) para el análisis de la calidad metodológica de los artículos seleccionados. Los resultados mostraron que los únicos artículos con bajo riesgo de sesgo en los cinco dominios según los criterios AQUA correspondían a Silva et al. (2011) y Agustín-Panadero et al. (2020). Finalmente, concluimos que la calidad de los cortes histológicos para observar los tejidos que contienen simultáneamente el diente y el periodonto, está condicionada por la técnica seleccionada y por el cuidado requerido en ciertas tareas específicas durante el procesamiento histológico de las muestras.

Humans , Tooth/anatomy & histology , Histological Techniques , Epithelial Attachment/anatomy & histology , Checklist , Gingiva/anatomy & histology , Periodontium/anatomy & histology
Int. j. morphol ; 41(3): 743-748, jun. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514297


Con el objetivo de conservar material cadavérico, se han creado diferentes técnicas y/o soluciones donde una técnica es la diafanización dental para estudiar la morfología interna del diente. Esta técnica consta en trasparentar el tejido calcificado del diente haciendo visible los conductos radiculares al inyectar una mezcla colorante en ellos. Se han descrito diferentes variantes de la técnica de diafanización como la técnica de Okumura y la técnica de Robertson, pero ambas técnicas utilizan reactivos tóxicos o de difícil acceso, por lo que se ha realizado una búsqueda de reactivos de bajo costo y fácil acceso para realizar la técnica de diafanización, reportándose que la técnica de diafanización por maceración con KOH es válida para diafanizar dientes. El objetivo del presente estudio fue utilizar NaOH en la técnica de diafanización dental por maceración, como una variante de KOH al ser una base de similar característica que el KOH. Se utilizaron 13 dientes (siete tercer molares, cinco premolares y un canino) para realizar tres variantes de la técnica de diafanización: técnica de Robertson, por maceración con KOH y por maceración con NaOH utilizando barra agitadora y agitador magnético en los dientes. Con la técnica de Robertson se obtuvo un diente completamente transparentado, mientras que los dientes diafanizados por maceración, tanto con KOH y NaOH, se transparentaron menos, aunque se hicieron visibles los conductos radiculares, por lo que el uso de NaOH en la técnica de diafanización por maceración es válida, aunque requiere más tiempo que la maceración por KOH.

SUMMARY: To preserve cadaveric material, different techniques, and solutions have been created where one technique is dental diaphanization to study the internal morphology of the tooth. This technique consists of making the calcified tooth tissue transparent and making the root canals visible by injecting a dye mixture into them. Different variants of the diaphanization technique have been described, such as the Okumura and the Robertson techniques. However, both techniques use toxic or difficult-to-access reagents, so a search has been made for low- cost and easily accessible reagents to perform the diaphanization technique, reporting that the diaphanization technique by maceration with KOH is valid for the diaphanization of teeth. This study aimed to use NaOH in the dental clearing technique by maceration as a variant of KOH since it is a base with similar characteristics to KOH. Thirteen teeth (seven third molars, five premolars, and one canine) were used to perform three variants of the diaphanization technique: Robertson technique, KOH maceration, and NaOH maceration using a stirring bar and magnetic stirrer on the teeth. With the Robertson technique, a completely transparent tooth was obtained, while the teeth cleared by maceration, with both KOH and NaOH, were less transparent, although the root canals became visible. Therefore, using NaOH in the diaphanization technique by maceration is valid, although it requires more time than KOH maceration.

Humans , Sodium Hydroxide , Tooth/anatomy & histology , Coloring Agents , Decalcification Technique
Int. j. morphol ; 41(2): 451-455, abr. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440320


El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar el tiempo empleado al estimar la edad dental (ED) entre el método propuesto por Demirjian et al. y el cuadro integral del enfoque de Demirjian (DAEcc) utilizando radiografías panorámicas digitales de individuos peruanos de 5 a 13 años residentes en Lima. Se realizó un estudio no experimental, comparativo, transversal y retrospectivo. Se utilizaron 100 radiografías panorámicas digitales que presentaban siete dientes permanentes mandibulares izquierdos. Una odontóloga forense capacitada y calibrada determinó el tiempo utilizado en evaluar la maduración dental y la estimación de ED con dos métodos (Demirjian y DAEcc). La unidad de medida utilizada fue los minutos (min.). No hubo diferencias en el tiempo de evaluación del estadio de maduración dental entre ambos métodos (p<0,05). El tiempo para estimar ED fue estadísticamente inferior con DAEcc (2,09 min) que con Demirjian (4,19 min). La diferencia del tiempo total de evaluación resultó estadísticamente significativa entre ambos métodos (Δ2,1 min.; 2,05-2,11; p=0,000). La aplicación del DAEcc redujo en 50 % el tiempo empleado en estimar ED en comparación con los cuadros propuestos por Demirjian. Aunque la odontología forense se centra en el estudio de la eficacia de estimación de la edad, es necesario abordar también su uso práctico.

SUMMARY: The objective of this study was to compare the time used to estimate dental age (DA) between the method proposed by Demirjian et al., and the comprehensive chart for dental age estimation (DAEcc) using digital panoramic radiographs of Peruvian individuals aged 5 to 13 years residing in Lima. A non- experimental, comparative, cross-sectional and retrospective study was carried out. 100 digital panoramic radiographs showing seven mandibular left permanent teeth were used. A trained and calibrated forensic odontologist determined the time used to assess tooth maturation and DA estimation with two methods (Demirjian and DAEcc). The unit of measurement used was minutes (min.). There were no differences in the evaluation time of the dental maturation stage between both methods (p<0.05). The time spent to estimate DA was statistically less with DAEcc (2.09 min) than with Demirjian (4.19 min). The difference in total evaluation time was statistically significant between both methods (Δ2.1 min; 2.05-2.11; p=0.000).The application of DAEcc reduced by 50 % the time spent estimating DA compared to the method proposed by Demirjian. Although forensic odontology focuses on the study of the effectiveness of age estimation, its practical use needs to be addressed as well.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Tooth/diagnostic imaging , Age Determination by Teeth/methods , Forensic Dentistry , Peru , Time Factors , Tooth/growth & development , Radiography, Panoramic , Pilot Projects , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies
Rev. estomatol. Hered ; 33(1): 76-82, ene. 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: biblio-1441870


Mediante este caso se describen los criterios de selección del color en restauraciones indirectas con disilicato de litio en el sector anterior. Mujer de 34 años, atendida en la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Nacional de Concepción (FOUNC), Paraguay, por una preocupación estética del sector anterior, en especial la diferencia de color de las piezas dentarias. La rehabilitación consistió en la confección de coronas de disilicato de litio de las piezas 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 25 y laminado para carillas de la pieza 23. Fueron aplicadas técnicas de selección de color individualizadas, pruebas de color y cementación antes del cementado final para obtener resultados altamente estéticos. Gracias a los resultados fue posible observar la conjunción de factores como la correcta selección del color del sustrato dentario, el cemento resinoso, el material de restauración y la comunicación eficiente con el laboratorio, fundamental para el éxito del tratamiento.

This case describes the color selection criteria for indirect lithium disilicate restorations in the anterior sector. A 34-year-old woman treated at the Faculty of Dentistry of the National University of Concepción (FOUNC), Paraguay, due to an aesthetic concern in the anterior sector, especially the difference in color of the teeth. The rehabilitation consisted of making lithium disilicate crowns for teeth 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 25 and laminate for veneers for tooth 23. Individualized color selection techniques, color and cementation prior to final cementation for highly esthetic results. Thanks to the results, it was possible to observe the conjunction of factors such as the correct selection of the color of the dental substrate, the resinous cement, the restorative material, and efficient communication with the laboratory, essential for the success of the treatment.

Humans , Female , Adult , Rehabilitation , Tooth , Dental Veneers , Dentistry
Journal of Biomedical Engineering ; (6): 295-302, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981542


In the orthodontics process, intervention and sliding of an orthodontic bracket during the orthodontic process can arise large response of the labio-cheek soft tissue. Soft tissue damage and ulcers frequently happen at the early stage of orthodontic treatment. In the field of orthodontic medicine, qualitative analysis is always carried out through statistics of clinical cases, while quantitative explanation of bio-mechanical mechanism is lacking. For this purpose, finite element analysis of a three-dimensional labio-cheek-bracket-tooth model is conducted to quantify the bracket-induced mechanical response of the labio-cheek soft tissue, which involves complex coupling of contact nonlinearity, material nonlinearity and geometric nonlinearity. Firstly, based on the biological composition characteristics of labio-cheek, a second-order Ogden model is optimally selected to describe the adipose-like material of the labio-cheek soft tissue. Secondly, according to the characteristics of oral activity, a two-stage simulation model of bracket intervention and orthogonal sliding is established, and the key contact parameters are optimally set. Finally, the two-level analysis method of overall model and submodel is used to achieve efficient solution of high-precision strains in submodels based on the displacement boundary obtained from the overall model calculation. Calculation results with four typical tooth morphologies during orthodontic treatment show that: ① the maximum strain of soft tissue is distributed along the sharp edges of the bracket, consistent with the clinically observed profile of soft tissue deformation; ② the maximum strain of soft tissue is reduced as the teeth align, consistent with the clinical manifestation of common damage and ulcers at the beginning of orthodontic treatment and reduced patient discomfort at the end of treatment. The method in this paper can provide reference for relevant quantitative analysis studies in the field of orthodontic medical treatment at home and abroad, and further benefit to the product development analysis of new orthodontic devices.

Humans , Periodontal Ligament/physiology , Orthodontic Wires , Cheek , Ulcer , Tooth , Finite Element Analysis
Journal of Peking University(Health Sciences) ; (6): 114-119, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971282


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the clinical application of cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) among endodontic practitioners, and to analyze the indications and reasonability of CBCT in the diagnosis and treatment of pulpal and periapical diseases.@*METHODS@#The clinical data were collected from patients who visited the Department of Cariology and Endodontology, Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology and underwent CBCT examination from January to December, 2021. The data with their complete clinical information (including clinical records, radiology request forms/reports, two-dimensional and three-dimensional imaging data) were included. Those who underwent CBCT examination for orthodontic or prosthodontics were excluded. The experience and training background of the endodontic specialists, the number of patients treated in the whole year, the objective and region of interest (ROI) of CBCT examination, technical parameters, such as machine type, field of view (FoV) and radiographic reports were collected and analyzed to evaluate the impact on diagnosis. Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney tests were used to compare the distribution of CBCT ROI. Chi-squared test and pairwise comparison were used to compare the application of CBCT by endodontic specialists with different clinical experience (senior, middle and junior).@*RESULTS@#In 2021, a total of 3 308 CBCT scans were prescribed by 61 endodontic specialists who treated 34 952 patients throughout the year. 3 218 patients (male ∶female about 1 ∶2) amounting for 10% of the patients treated in the whole year who received CBCT scans with an median age of 35 years (28, 49). Around 98% CBCT examinations were performed after clinical examination and two-dimensional periapical radiographs were taken. The FoV of CBCT scanning less than 10 cm×10 cm accounted for 96% of the total number of the images. Among the 3 308 CBCT scans, 83% of the ROI were in posterior teeth, with a higher number of anterior teeth (Z=-2.278, P < 0.05). Maxillary and mandibular first molars accounted for 35% of the examined teeth. The objectives of CBCT scanning included three aspects: clarifying clinical diagnosis, guiding surgical and non-surgical endodontic treatment (including management of endodontic complications), and outcome assessment, accounting for 1 111 (34%), 1 745 (54%), 311 (10%), respectively. and the others 2%. In the diagnosis process, CBCT was mainly used for the diagnosis of chronic periapical periodontitis, root fracture, root resorption and dental trauma. In the study, 353 CBCT were used in the diagnosis of root fracture, with a positive diagnosis rate of 35% (125/353). 846 CBCT used to reveal the anatomy of the root canal system, of which 297 cases were used to find missed/extra canals after treatment failure, and 58% (171/297) were used to confirm the missed/extra canals. In the management of complications or errors, CBCT was mainly used to assist the diagnosis of perforation and to locate the separated instruments. In the study, 311 CBCT scans were used for outcome assessment, including 240 cases related to non-surgical treatment and 71 cases related to surgical endodontic treatment for follow-up or presence of clinical symptoms, and persistent lesions on 2D films. Among the 61 endodontic specialists who used CBCT, 23 (45%) were with senior experience, 15 (30%) with middle experience, and 23 (25%) with junior experience. The proportion of senior or junior experience prescribing CBCT examination was 10%, higher than that of middle experience (8%, χ12=39.4, χ22=29.1, P < 0.001). The application rate of chief endodontists was 18%, which was higher than that of associate chief endodontists (9%, χ12=139.4, P < 0.001). 31% (1 109/3 308) cases of diagnosis or treatment plans were changed after CBCT was taken.@*CONCLUSION@#Use of CBCT in endodontic practice could provide more clinical information, which is helpful for diagnosis, accurate treatment and prognosis evaluation.

Humans , Male , Adult , Prevalence , Root Canal Therapy/methods , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography/methods , Tooth , Imaging, Three-Dimensional
Journal of Peking University(Health Sciences) ; (6): 70-77, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971275


OBJECTIVE@#To evaluate the characteristics of severe periodontitis with various number of tooth loss during 4-year natural progression, and to analyze the factors related to higher rate of tooth loss.@*METHODS@#A total of 217 patients aged 15 to 44 years with severe periodontitis were included, who participated in a 4-year natural progression research. Data obtained from questionnaire survey, clinical examination and radiographic measurement. Tooth loss during 4-year natural progression was evaluated. The baseline periodontal disease related and caries related factors were calculated, including number of teeth with bone loss > 50%, number of missing molars, number of teeth with widened periodontal ligament space (WPDL), number of teeth with periapical lesions and etc. Characteristics of populations with various number of tooth loss and the related factors that affected higher rate of tooth loss were analyzed.@*RESULTS@#In 4 years of natural progression, 103 teeth were lost, and annual tooth loss per person was 0.12±0.38. Nine patients lost 3 or more teeth. Thirty-four patients lost 1 or 2 teeth, and 174 patients were absent of tooth loss. Molars were mostly frequent to lose, and canines presented a minimum loss. The number of teeth with WPDL, with periapical lesions, with intrabony defects, with probing depth (PD)≥7 mm, with PD≥5 mm, with clinical attachment loss≥5 mm, with bone loss > 50% and with bone loss > 65% were positively correlated to number of tooth loss. Results from orderly multivariate Logistic regression showd that the number of teeth with bone loss > 50% OR=1.550), baseline number of molars lost (OR=1.774), number of teeth with WPDL (1 to 2: OR=1.415; ≥3: OR=13.105), number of teeth with periapical lesions (1 to 2: OR=4.393; ≥3: OR=9.526) and number of teeth with caries/residual roots (OR=3.028) were significant risk factors related to higher likelihood of tooth loss and multiple tooth loss.@*CONCLUSION@#In 4 years of natural progression, the number of teeth with bone loss > 50%, baseline number of missing molars, number of teeth with WPDL, baseline number of teeth with periapical lesions and number of teeth with caries/residual roots were significantly related to higher risk of tooth loss and multiple tooth loss among Chinese young and middle-aged patients with severe periodontitis in rural areas.

Humans , Tooth Loss/etiology , Periodontitis/complications , Tooth , Periodontal Diseases , Molar
Chinese Journal of Stomatology ; (12): 50-56, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970754


Objective: To investigate the influence of light and heavy bite force on the mandibular movement trajectories, and the influence of bite force on virtual occlusal pre-adjustment of digital full crown. Methods: From October 2021 to March 2022, 10 postgraduate volunteers (3 males and 7 females, aged 22-26 years) were recruited from Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology. Maxillary and mandibular digital models of the participants were obtained by intraoral scanning. Jaw relations were digitally transferred under heavy bite force and mandibular movement trajectories under light and heavy bite force were recorded by jaw motion analyser. Three mandibular markers were chosen, namely the mesial proximal contact point of the central incisor (incisal point) and the mesial buccal cusp tips of the bilateral first molars. The three-dimensional displacements of the markers under two kinds of bite force in the intercuspal position (ICP), the sagittal projection of the three-dimensional displacements in the protrusive edge-to-edge position, and the coronal projection of the three-dimensional displacements in the lateral edge-to-edge position of upper and lower posterior teeth were measured. Single-sample t-test was used to compare the three-dimensional displacements and the corresponding sagittal projection and coronal projection with 0, respectively. The left maxillary central incisor and left mandibular first molar were virtually prepared by the reverse engineering software. Then dental design software was used to design digital full crown using the copy method. The mandibular movement trajectories under light and heavy bite force were separately used to guide virtual occlusal pre-adjustment. The three-dimensional deviations (mean deviations and root mean square) between the lingual surface of the left maxillary central incisor or the occlusal surface of the left mandibular first molar and that of the natural tooth before preparation were calculated (light bite force group and heavy bite force group), and the differences between the two groups were compared by the paired t-test. Results: Under the two kinds of bite force, the three-dimensional displacements of the markers in the ICP were (0.217±0.135), (0.210±0.133) and (0.237±0.101) mm, respectively; the sagittal projection of the three-dimensional displacements of the markers in the protrusive edge-to-edge position were (0.204±0.133), (0.288±0.148) and (0.292±0.136) mm, respectively; the coronal projection of the three-dimensional displacements of the mesial buccal cusp tips of the bilateral first molars in the lateral edge-to-edge position were (0.254±0.140) and (0.295±0.190) mm, respectively. The differences between the above displacements and 0 were statistically significant (P<0.05). The results of occlusal pre-adjustment showed that the mean deviations of the lingual surface of the left maxillary central incisor in the light and heavy bite force groups were (0.215±0.036) and (0.195±0.041) mm (t=3.95, P=0.004), respectively. The mean deviations of the occlusal surface of the left mandibular first molar were (0.144±0.084) and (0.100±0.096) mm (t=0.84, P=0.036), respectively. Conclusions: Both the light and heavy bite force have an influence on the mandibular movement trajectories. Virtual occlusal pre-adjustment of prostheses with mandibular movement trajectories under heavy bite force can obtain morphology of lingual or occlusal surfaces closer to the natural teeth before preparation.

Male , Female , Humans , Bite Force , Tooth , Mandible , Molar , Occlusal Adjustment
Chinese Journal of Stomatology ; (12): 31-39, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970752


Dental dysplasia are abnormalities in teeth structure, morphology, number and eruption caused by genetic and environmental factors during dental development. Digital medical techniques, as the current hot spot of medical research, bring great challenges and opportunities to modern stomatology. The applications of digital techniques, such as digital diagnosis method, digital virtual simulated design, three-dimensional printing, static and dynamic guidance and artificial intelligence, can provide a more accurate, efficient, automatic and intelligent modern concepts and patterns for epidemiology, diagnosis, multidisciplinary treatment and outcome assessment of dental developmental anomalies.

Artificial Intelligence , Printing, Three-Dimensional , Tooth
Rev. Fac. Odontol. (B.Aires) ; 38(88): 49-56, 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552173


La coloración rosa de los dientes puede originarse por diferentes factores. En el ámbito forense se ha descrito al fenómeno denominado post mortem pink teeth como un signo asociado a muertes violentas de etiología diversa. En la práctica clínica también es posible observar pacientes con dientes rosados, fre-cuentemente ocasionados por traumatismos o iatro-genia proveniente de ortodoncia, cuyo mecanismo de producción obedece a distintas etiopatogenias, destacándose las reabsorciones dentinarias inter-nas, cemento-dentinarias externas y calcificaciones dentinarias. El presente artículo expone el caso de un individuo adulto con antecedente de trauma óseo-dentario por accidente vial que, luego de un prolon-gado tiempo, asiste al Servicio de Urgencias Odon-tológicas y Orientación de Pacientes de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, en donde se le detecta, a modo de hallazgo exploratorio, una ostensible coloración rosada en el canino infe-rior derecho. La situación motivó un pormenorizado abordaje clínico y radiográfico, indagando respecto a los probables factores que intervinieron en su ge-neración y desarrollo (AU)

The pink coloration of the teeth can be caused by dif-ferent factors. In the forensic field, the phenomenon called post mortem pink teeth has been described as a sign associated with violent deaths of various etiology. In clinical practice, it is also possible to ob-serve patients with pink teeth, frequently caused by trauma or iatrogenesis from orthodontics, whose production mechanism is due to different etiopatho-genesis, highlighting internal dentin resorption, ex-ternal cemento-dentinal resorption and dentin calci-fications. This article presents the case of an adult individual with a history of bone-dental trauma due to a road accident who, after a long time, attends the Dental Emergency and Patient Guidance Service of the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Bue-nos Aires, where an ostensible pink coloration was detected in the lower right canine as an exploratory finding. The situation motivated a detailed clinical and radiographic approach, inquiring about the probable factors that intervened in its generation and development (AU)

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Postmortem Changes , Tooth/physiopathology , Forensic Dentistry/methods , Argentina , Root Resorption/physiopathology , Schools, Dental , Tooth Calcification/physiology , Tooth Injuries/complications , Dental Pulp/physiopathology , Dentin/physiopathology
Braz. dent. sci ; 26(1): 1-9, 2023. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1413593


Although much progress has been obtained in terms of the Endodontic treatment, the literature shows that true success can be only achieved with adequate coronal seal to avoid bacterial contamination, and protect the tooth structure from fracture. There are many options available to the clinician to restore the endodontically treated tooth; however, there is not much evidence available on what alternative is better than another. This review will critically present the current knowledge on restorative choices, including posts and endocrowns, showing advantages and disadvantages of different treatment forms. With this knowledge, we will also introduce the concept of biomimetics to endodontically treated teeth, and how the nature of their remaining tooth structure can benefit from this approach. This concept entails the use of mechanisms and biologically produced materials to restore a tooth in a way that would mimic its natural structure, with the purpose of achieving better long-term prognosis (AU)

Embora tenha se obtido progresso em relação ao tratamento endodôntico, a literatura mostra que o sucesso real só pode ser atingido com o selamento coronal adequado, para evitar-se a contaminação bacteriana e proteger-se a estrutura dental de fraturas. Há muitas opções disponíveis para o clínico para a restauração do dente tratado endodonticamente; entretanto, não há muita evidência disponível sobre qual alternativa é melhor que a outra. Esta revisão apresentará criticamente o conhecimento atual sobre opções restauradoras, incluindo retentores intraradiculares e endocrowns, mostrando vantagens e desvantagens das diferentes formas de tratamento. Com esse conhecimento, também introduziremos o conceito de biomimética, uma vez que dentes tratados endodonticamente, devido a natureza de sua estrutura dental remanescente, podem se beneficiar desta abordagem. Esse conceito envolve o uso de mecanismos e materiais produzidos biologicamente para restaurar um dente de forma a imitar a estrutura natural, com o objetivo de alcançar melhor prognóstico de longo-prazo.(AU)

Tooth , Biomimetics , Endodontics , Fractures, Bone
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDNPAR | ID: biblio-1423752


Introducción: El tratamiento de los canales radiculares de molares temporales con pulpas infectadas ha sido ampliamente descrito y motivo de discusión por muchos años, no existiendo aún un consenso en cuanto al material de obturación. La pasta CTZ (cloranfenicol, tetraciclina y óxido de zinc más eugenol) acompañada de la Técnica de Endodoncia No Instrumentada ha mostrado una alta efectividad clínica y radiográfica para el tratamiento de molares temporales con compromiso pulpar. Se ha propuesto el reemplazo del componente Tetraciclina por Doxiciclina de la formulación, por las implicancias de un posible amelo-génesis imperfecta y la coloración en la corona de dicho componente. Objetivo. Evaluar la efectividad clínica de la pasta CDZ en el tratamiento endodóntico de dientes primarios necrosados con una técnica mínimamente invasiva. Metodología. Estudio de intervención en el que se incluyeron pacientes que presentaban dientes temporales con indicación de terapia pulpar y en quienes se utilizó la pasta CDZ. El éxito del tratamiento se midió por la desaparición de la sintomatología. Resultados. Se incluyeron en el estudio 76 pacientes entre 2 a 9 años. La eficacia del tratamiento con CDZ fue del 97,6% en 125 dientes. Conclusiones. Los hallazgos son comparables a los estudios que utilizaron el CTZ. Debido a las características biológicas del material, su bajo costo, fácil manipulación y excelentes resultados clínicos, se considera una opción en la terapia pulpar en dientes temporales, como una alternativa en el uso de programas de salud pública.

Introduction: Treatment of root canals of primary molars with infected pulps has been widely described and has been the subject of discussion for many years, and there is still no consensus regarding the filling material. The CTZ paste (chloramphenicol, tetracycline and zinc oxide plus eugenol) accompanied by the Non-Instrumented Endodontic Technique has shown high clinical and radiographic effectiveness for the treatment of primary molars with pulp involvement. The replacement of the Tetracycline component by Doxycycline of the formulation has been proposed, due to the implications of a possible amelogenesis imperfecta and the coloration in the crown of said component. Goal. To evaluate the clinical effectiveness of CDZ paste in the endodontic treatment of necrotic primary teeth with a minimally invasive technique. Methodology: Intervention study in which patients with temporary teeth with an indication for pulp therapy and in whom CDZ paste was used were included. Treatment success was measured by the disappearance of symptoms. Results. 76 patients between 2 and 9 years old were included in the study. The efficacy of CDZ treatment was 97.6% in 125 teeth. Conclusions: The findings are comparable to studies using CTZ. Due to the biological characteristics of the material, its low cost, easy handling and excellent clinical results, it is considered an option in pulp therapy in primary teeth, as an alternative in the use of public health programs.

Tooth , Amelogenesis Imperfecta , Staining and Labeling
The Nigerian Health Journal ; 23(1): 473-477, 2023. tables, figures
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1425497


Background: The aim of this study is to determine sexual dimorphism using anterior teeth measurements and its use as an ancillary tool for sexual determination. Methods:In this study, the measurements of the anterior teeth were carried out on one hundred and forty students (80M: 60F) of the University of Port-Harcourt ranging from 15-30 years. The mesiodistal diameter of the central and lateral incisors, right and left canines and their inter-canine distance were measured. These measurements were done with the aid ofa digital Vernier caliper. Also, the percentages of sexual dimorphism were calculated. The values were subjected to statistical analysis.Results:The mean mesiodistal central incisor (MDCI) value for males was 9.78 ± 0.47mm while that of the females was 9.29±0.46mm. The mean mesiodistal lateral incisor (MDLI) value for males was 7.80 ±0.54mm while that of the females was 7.40±0.54mm. The mean mesiodistal right canine (MDRC) value for males was 7.43±0.49mm while that of the females was 7.04±0.40mm. The mean mesiodistal left canine (MDLI) value for males was 7.39±0.51mm while that of the females was 7.03±0.55mm. The mean mandibular inter-canine distance (MICD) value for males was 33.73±1.15mm while that of the females was 32.23±0.98mm. They were all statistically significantat p<0.05.Conclusion:It can be concluded that the incisors and the canines are useful tools in sex determination. The data obtained can be useful in maxillofacial reconstructive surgery

Humans , Tooth , Sex Characteristics , Oral Surgical Procedures , Anthropology, Medical
West China Journal of Stomatology ; (6): 190-196, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981111


OBJECTIVES@#This study aimed to observe the color rebound and rebound rates of non-pulp discolored teeth within 1 year after routine internal bleaching to guide clinical practice and prompt prognosis.@*METHODS@#In this work, the efficacy of bleaching was observed in 20 patients. The color of discolored teeth was measured by using a computerized colorimeter before bleaching; immediately after bleaching; and at the 1st, 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th months after bleaching. The L*, a*, and b* values of the color of cervical, mesial, and incisal parts of the teeth were obtained, and the color change amounts ΔE*, ΔL*, Δa*, and Δb* were calculated. The overall rebound rate (P*) and the color rebound velocity (V*) were also analyzed over time.@*RESULTS@#In 20 patients following treatment, the average ΔE* of tooth color change was 14.99. After bleaching, the neck and middle of the teeth ΔE* and ΔL* decreased in the 1st, 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th months, and the differences were statistically significant. Meanwhile, from the 9th month after bleaching, the rebound speed was lower than that in the 1st month, and the difference was statistically significant. The incisal end of the tooth ΔE* and ΔL* decreased in the 6th, 9th, and 12th months after bleaching, and the differences were statistically significant. No significant difference was found in the rebound speed between time points. However, this rate settled after the 9th month, with an average color rebound rate of 30.11% in 20 patients.@*CONCLUSIONS@#The results indicated that internal bleaching could cause a noticeable color change on pulpless teeth. The color rebound after bleaching was mainly caused by lightness (L*), which gradually decreased with time, and it was slightly related to a* and b*. The color of the teeth after internal bleaching rebounded to a certain extent with time, but the color rebound speed became stable from the 9th month. Clinically, secondary internal bleaching can be considered at this time according to whether the colors of the affected tooth and the adjacent tooth are coordinated and depending on the patient's needs.

Humans , Tooth Bleaching/methods , Tooth, Nonvital/drug therapy , Color , Tooth Discoloration/drug therapy , Tooth , Hydrogen Peroxide/therapeutic use , Tooth Bleaching Agents/therapeutic use
International Journal of Oral Science ; (4): 14-14, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971602


Tooth germ injury can lead to abnormal tooth development and even tooth loss, affecting various aspects of the stomatognathic system including form, function, and appearance. However, the research about tooth germ injury model on cellular and molecule mechanism of tooth germ repair is still very limited. Therefore, it is of great importance for the prevention and treatment of tooth germ injury to study the important mechanism of tooth germ repair by a tooth germ injury model. Here, we constructed a Tg(dlx2b:Dendra2-NTR) transgenic line that labeled tooth germ specifically. Taking advantage of the NTR/Mtz system, the dlx2b+ tooth germ cells were depleted by Mtz effectively. The process of tooth germ repair was evaluated by antibody staining, in situ hybridization, EdU staining and alizarin red staining. The severely injured tooth germ was repaired in several days after Mtz treatment was stopped. In the early stage of tooth germ repair, the expression of phosphorylated 4E-BP1 was increased, indicating that mTORC1 is activated. Inhibition of mTORC1 signaling in vitro or knockdown of mTORC1 signaling in vivo could inhibit the repair of injured tooth germ. Normally, mouse incisors were repaired after damage, but inhibition/promotion of mTORC1 signaling inhibited/promoted this repair progress. Overall, we are the first to construct a stable and repeatable repair model of severe tooth germ injury, and our results reveal that mTORC1 signaling plays a crucial role during tooth germ repair, providing a potential target for clinical treatment of tooth germ injury.

Animals , Mice , Mechanistic Target of Rapamycin Complex 1/pharmacology , Signal Transduction , Tooth/metabolism , Tooth Germ/metabolism , Odontogenesis
International Journal of Oral Science ; (4): 5-5, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971591


Tooth number abnormality is one of the most common dental developmental diseases, which includes both tooth agenesis and supernumerary teeth. Tooth development is regulated by numerous developmental signals, such as the well-known Wnt, BMP, FGF, Shh and Eda pathways, which mediate the ongoing complex interactions between epithelium and mesenchyme. Abnormal expression of these crutial signalling during this process may eventually lead to the development of anomalies in tooth number; however, the underlying mechanisms remain elusive. In this review, we summarized the major process of tooth development, the latest progress of mechanism studies and newly reported clinical investigations of tooth number abnormality. In addition, potential treatment approaches for tooth number abnormality based on developmental biology are also discussed. This review not only provides a reference for the diagnosis and treatment of tooth number abnormality in clinical practice but also facilitates the translation of basic research to the clinical application.

Humans , Gene Expression Regulation, Developmental , Odontogenesis , Signal Transduction , Tooth/metabolism
J. Health Biol. Sci. (Online) ; 10(1): 1-5, 01/jan./2022.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1411517


Objective: Understand whether the collection site (toothless or toothless) influences the frequency of bacteria in the oral cavity. It was performed as an observational, prospective, and cross-sectional study. Methods: Clinical samples of the oral surfaces of the teeth and/or cheek mucosa were collected in the oral cavity of 37 patients who underwent elective cardiac surgery in the preoperative period from May to July 2019. The clinical samples collected were subjected to identification of colonies and antimicrobial sensitivity tests. Results: It was observed that regardless of whether the collection site is toothless or toothless, the microbial profile, socio-demographic variables, comorbidities, and risk factors do not statistically influence the choice of the collection site. Conclusions: there wasn't statistical difference between the strains found at the collection sites. Practical Implications: the result found is relevant for other researchers that will work with oral cavity collections since the chosen collection site will not influence the frequency of strains found.

Objetivo: Compreender se o local de coleta (com dentes ou desdentado) influencia na frequência de bactérias na cavidade oral. Foi realizado como um estudo observacional, prospectivo e transversal. Métodos: Amostras clínicas das superfícies orais dos dentes e/ou mucosa jugal foram coletadas na cavidade oral de 37 pacientes submetidos à cirurgia cardíaca eletiva no período pré-operatório de maio a julho de 2019. As amostras clínicas coletadas foram submetidas à identificação de colônias e testes antimicrobianos de sensibilidade. Resultados: Observou-se que independente do local de coleta ser dentado ou desdentado, o perfil microbiano, variáveis sociodemográficas, comorbidades e fatores de risco não influenciam estatisticamente na escolha do local de coleta. Conclusões: Não houve diferença estatística entre as cepas encontradas nos locais de coleta. O resultado encontrado é relevante para outros pesquisadores que trabalharão com coletas de cavidade oral, pois o local de coleta escolhido não influenciará na frequência de cepas encontradas.

Dental Plaque , Mouth , Bacteria , Tooth , Oral Health , Biofilms , Infections
Braz. j. oral sci ; 21: e222812, jan.-dez. 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1348712


Aim: To evaluate the influence of the parameters L* a* b* on the variation of the color of bovine tooth enamel submitted to artificial darkening, after simulated brushing, with whitening toothpastes containing blue covarine. Methods: To undertake this study in vitro, 60 specimens (SP) were divided into 6 groups (n=10): control group (CGwater) and 5 test groups (GT1-Colgate Total 12, GT2-Oral-B 3D White Perfection, GT3- Colgate Luminous Instant White, GT4-CloseUp White Diamond Attraction, GT5-Sorriso Xtreme White). The specimens were darkened with coffee and submitted to simulated brushing for 6, 12, and 24 months. The alteration in the color was evaluated using CIELAB parameters and the ΔL, Δa, Δb and ΔE were calculated. The data was analyzed through generalized linear models using the R program and considering a level of significance of 5%. Results: The parameters L*, a* and the ΔL, Δa obtained better results in the test group than in the control group. There were no statistical differences between CG and the test groups for the evaluation of the b* parameter. In the evaluation of the Δb, the GT3 differed statistically from the CG. In relation to the ΔE, all the group tests showed a variation in color statistically greater than that of the CG and the GT4 showed the greatest variation, not differing from the GT3 during the periods studied. Conclusion: The mechanical and optical whitening agents positively influenced the values L*a* and b*, as well as in its variations and in the ΔE. It is important to emphasize, however, that to analyze tooth whitening it is necessary to evaluate their parameters together

Tooth , Toothpastes , Color , Bleaching Agents